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KBR Offers Improved Facilities Management Benefits for the National Health Service in England

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NHS Property Services

Enhanced service delivery, improved supply chain collaboration and reduced job turnaround times are among the benefits KBR is helping deliver across property services within the National Health Service (NHS) in England.

KBR supports the delivery of “hard” and “soft” facilities management services across approximately 3,500 buildings of the NHS estate owned by NHS Property Services (NHSPS). To deliver these services, KBR recently designed, built, tested and implemented a Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) system over an 18-month period.

The system, which standardizes all data and delivers a real-time overview of current and planned maintenance work, also tracks and maintains compliance across the supply chain, monitors performance and improves risk management and accuracy of reporting.

An integrated mobile application and system automation further enables tasks to be delivered and updated live in the field which provides better oversight, drives efficiencies and enables real-time updates to be provided to customers.

“The ability to make timely, well informed strategic decisions is a key aim of any service provider, particularly one which the public relies on to deliver an uninterrupted and high quality service at all times,” said Martin Steele, Chief Operating Officer of NHSPS.

Steele continued, “Technical compliance is all about evidence-based compliance.” “You need to be able to demonstrate that teams have performed a planned routine within a specific cycle, and they have evidence that they’ve performed a routine. KBR’s approach provides both a detailed understanding and analysis of the requirement and delivers a solution. We have valued their open and honest dialogue as well as a system that has enabled us to work together to implement lessons learned.”

The CAFM system, which has been operational since mid-2019, continues to be regularly reviewed and refined to drive further efficiency savings, improve safety through systemized risk assessments, identify opportunities to support a mobile workforce and inform future procurement strategy.

Andrew Barrie, President, KBR Government Solutions EMEA, said, “KBR’s work with NHS Property Services reinforces our commitment to work in partnership with the UK public sector to drive efficiencies through enhanced digital capability. We are proud to have played a part in modernising an essential part of their organization to ultimately help save tax payer money.”

“We pride ourselves on bringing our wider Government and cross industry experience, digital capability and highly dependable program management capabilities to provide solutions not just for the here and now, but with future demand at the forefront of our mind,” Barrie added.

KBR’s work with NHS Property Services reinforces its on-going support to the UK public sector, including its successful Facilities Management Integrator work with the Metropolitan Police and its ground-breaking work to enhance the UK’s forensic capabilities through the evolving national Transforming Forensics program.

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