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KBR’s CEO Award for HSSE Excellence

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KBR CEO HSSE Excellence Award winner James Asher holding cake
KBR CEO HSSE Excellence Award winner James Asher speech
James Asher discusses health and well-being initiatives at job site
Stuart Bradie presents KBR CEO HSSE Excellence Award to winner James Asher

KBR President and CEO Stuart Bradie has recently recognized the outstanding efforts of this year’s Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) Excellence award winner. This prestigious award is given annually to individuals or groups who demonstrate exceptional HSSE leadership or extraordinary performance improvement by living our commitment to Zero Harm.

This year’s winner, James Asher, from KBR’s Government Solutions International Projects and Programmes business, was presented the award for his achievements as the contract manager at the British Embassy in Mogadishu.

James began his role in 2022, and proactively strove to increase safety and performance on the project. His dedication in this area led to him achieving an average of 97% on the project’s Structured Safety Evaluation Audit, 99.6% Safety Energy score, delivery of ten leadership safety visits, and reaching a 4-year incident free milestone.

Positive mental health and wellbeing are aspects James has proactively encouraged. Under his leadership, KBR employees conducted 870 Courage to Care Conversations, of which James initiated 153 of them. He has also introduced various health and well-being initiatives on site as part of his work in the employee resource group, OK Now Network. These include Listen, Talk and Connect which provides an open forum for people to share experiences and discuss lifestyle changes and Environmental Wellbeing where people can take part in various activities such as beach cleans to help protect the natural environment.

“I am very humbled indeed to win this award and share it with the great team I have. My team and my manager have shown trust in me over the last 18 months, and I feel proud of their willingness to embrace change. People feel valued and empowered and this reflects in our work and how we communicate with each other. Winning the award was a great achievement, not just for me but for everyone involved,” said James.

Prior to joining KBR, James was in the British Army for 24 years where he achieved the rank of Warrant Officer and recognized for his service on the Queens Honors list in 2013 with the Meritorious Service Medal (MSM).

“The CEO award recognizes individuals and teams who exemplify excellence with regards to Zero Harm, and James was a deserving winner this year as he encapsulates Zero Harm 24/7 in everything his does for his team at the British Embassy in Mogadishu,” said Laura Holley, Director for Quality, Health, Safety, Environment for KBR’s Government Solutions International business. “Celebrating our achievements is a core part of Zero Harm, and we were delighted to invite James to visit Leatherhead and be presented his award in front of friends and colleagues.”

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